"The Anatomy of a Request!"
By Teacher: Paul G. Williams
Grace to you believers and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God via Jesus The Blessing to mankind!
This month we are looking at the anatomy of a request to God. Last month we saw that a request is a supplication (written document for supply) to be made to bring us to the full, or accomplished. In short the request is a prayer for plenty of supply. This is a principal from God, and a principal is a law that is built into a product to bring it to its ultimate performance. God gives us laws that are built into the kingdom that when implemented will bring about ultimate performance.
Let's look at what Paul said again from last month's faith letter.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Phil 4:6
In making a request, three things are critical for this principle to work. The first thing to do is to be anxious for no thing, therefore casting your care upon the Lord is vitally important. The Word declares in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” We have no need to “take care” because God wants to take care of it. Anxiety is “care theft” from God. It makes you God of your own existence. How can you offer up a request to be brought to the full and then turn around and worry about how things will turn out. I love the relationship I have with my wife because we are watching out for each other. We watch to make sure we don't find ourselves trying to “take care” of projects we have already cast the care of on the Lord. She will says things to me like “That's not our concern now.” I'll go “Yeah you are right honey, it's already done!”
We are not to lean on our own understanding. We are to only think on what things are soever lovely, and what things are soever pure, and what things are soever of a good report. We are not to think on the pressures of what hasn't happened yet based on the tick of a clock. God is famous for shooting three pointers with no time on the clock and making that shot all net with people all up in His face talking about “It will never happen this time for you!”
The will of God must be known when casting your care on the Lord. Look at Ezekiel 36:30,33-35
“I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you.”
The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it."This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt. They will say, "This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited."
The will of the Lord is to call for the grain and make it plentiful. He wants people to see the blessing of Eden on you. He wants to show the world how He can take that desolate situation and turn it into The Garden of Eden for you. When you realize this, then casting all your care on Him will become common place and trust will be able to set in.
The second thing to do concerning a request is to take your peace about it.
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," Rom 5:1 (NIV)
Faith takes what God has promised and makes it ours now. Once you have decided to make a request, you have to allow your faith to take the peace of God concerning that NOW. Faith is always NOW. In the verse above it simply declares that through faith you HAVE PEACE NOW. So you take it in your thought life by declaring the decree that “Because I am justified through faith I take my peace on the matter.” What is peace from God? The Amplified bible describes it this way.
“May grace (God's favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full, personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” 2 Peter 1:2 (Amplified Bible)
We can through the faith of God take the peace of God on purpose, and God fully expects us to do just that. We can now take perfect well being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, freedom from fears, and take freedom from agitating passions and moral conflicts! We are now, through faith, masters of our emotions. Think of all the emotional problems people suffer from through ignorance of these powerful principals!
The third and last thing to know where a request is concerned is to rest. You can only rest when you trust something. Confident assurance is the ingredient needed for trusting something or someone. God said put not confidence in a guide nor trust them that lay at your side. He said to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, and in all thy ways we are to acknowledge Him, and He will direct our path. Once you take your peace about a thing now you rest by trusting in Him because you know what He said. Don't be disturbed about the request you have made. You know it is His will, and you know what He said, so now that is the only evidence you need to take your place as a son with an divine inheritance.
“Don't cast away your confidence which has great recompense of reward, for you have need of patience that after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise.” Heb 10:35
We are supposed to cast our cares on the Lord not cast away our confidence. The Greek word for confidence is the same word we use for faith. Jesus said take no thought for your life saying what you will wear, and what you will eat. He said for all these things do the gentiles seek. The gentiles were not poor nor homeless. The gentiles were the religious folk. Be careful about the religious folk you hang around least they talk you into not wanting your request to bring you to the full, and to becoming accomplished.
So let's look at the three things you need to know about making a request again.
You need to cast your care upon the Lord, and leave it there.
You need to take your peace NOW.
You need to rest with confident assurance.
I trust that these Words of Faith have brought you to doors of understanding and practical application so that you can change the course of nature you are on. Like all good things pass it forward to increase your harvest of hope, and go ahead make your request known to God!
In the Blessing,
Paul and Loretta Williams
KingdomTime Ministries
We Love You!
Copyright 2010: By Paul and Loretta Williams
Saturday, February 20, 2010
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